Sasha Siem is a composer and artist based in London, England.
Her new album EAR.th is available now.

Musician, mystic, mama. Sasha Siem taps into our planet’s deeper frequencies on her latest record, EAR.th.
"Scandinavia regularly yields musicians of extraordinary talent, but Sasha Siem’s startling ambition stands head and shoulders above the rest.”
Line of Best Fit

Listen to EAR.th Album
‘EAR.th’ - released in celebration of Earth Day - is a love song to our planet and a call for us to open our ears and listen to her messages.
The earth’s ‘Schumann Frequency’ runs throughout the album and most of the seemingly ‘electronic’ sounds in the instrumental parts are in fact recordings of the earth as heard from space (recorded by NASA).
The album is an opportunity for people to immerse themselves in the earth's frequencies and reharmonize with her.

“The Earth spins at a speed of around 400 metres for every beat of a human heart. We’re never standing still.”

"[Sasha’s music] is so singular in its vision and its approach that there really is nothing else like it."
Robert Whitfield, The 405